Monday, April 13, 2009

Death of an Icon

I was bummed to hear a moment ago about the death of Harry Kalas, the voice of the Philadelphia Phillies.  I vividly remember hearing him calling some of the greatest moments in Phillies baseball.  When I was a kid, I would love to hear him say any one of the variations of, "...and there's another home run for Michael Jack Schmidt," or something like that.  In addition to recording many of NFL Films recordings and Chunky Soup commercials, he has left a legacy of recordings detailing some of my favorite sports team's moments.  He will be missed by sports fans around the country.  

But some day, as great of an announcer Harry was will not matter.  In the light of eternity, (this hurts me to say this) baseball will not matter.  (OUCH!)  The excitement of the calls Harry made will not impress me or anyone else in that great moment when we stand before God.  What will matter is the decision we have made to follow Christ, and what we have done to serve Him.  That alone is what will last.

In August at Element church, we will be talking about our next sermon series, "Legacy."  I know we're months away from that series, but the death of this iconic personality makes me wonder what I will be remembered for?  I hope that some day I will be remembered as a man of God.  I hope that I will be remembered as a great husband, father, and friend to many.  I hope and pray that I will leave a Legacy in Millvale that is one that shows God's love.  

I want my "Legacy" to be God's legacy!

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