Sunday, May 23, 2010

Element Church Baptism Candidate Videos - 05.02.10

Element Church Baptism Review Video - 05.02.10 from Element Church on Vimeo.
One thing that I absolutely love is watching people change, as they encounter Jesus and the truth of God's Word.  It has been a genuine privilege to get to baptize 15 people so far this year at Element Church!  I am amazed to think of the ways that God is working in and through the team of people who attend and serve with us.  

On Sunday, May 2, 2010, we had another great baptism service.  Originally we had 3 people scheduled to be baptized, and you can see their stories here.  However, before we started I invited anyone who wanted to be baptized that day --prepared or not, to take the "plunge" and let the world know what Jesus was doing in them.  One local Millvale resident and regular attendee, Rachel Covington, took me up on the challenge.  Although she is not in the testimonial video, she is in the Baptism Service Review video.  

I am so proud of Bob Kauffman, Shannon Doven, Ben Laws, & Rachel Covington for taking this step of obedience in following Jesus!  I am believing God to do great things in all of you!

What about you?  Ready to "take the plunge" and follow Jesus by being baptized?  Let us know, and we will put your name on the list for our Summer schedule!

Baptism Candidates 05.02.10 from Element Church on Vimeo.

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