Saturday, November 6, 2010

Element Church Announcements - 11.06.10

Hey Element!  Just a couple of important announcements I wanted to make you guys aware of!

1. Don't forget to TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK TONIGHT!!!  That's right, we have ordered an EXTRA HOUR of sleep for everyone at Element Church tonight, and we don't want you to miss out!  If you do forget, you'll just be early and you can help us set up the church, so that's not all bad! :)

2. We want YOU to be an Element Church Partner!  What's it mean?  It means we want YOU on the Element Church team!  It's all about the difference between watching the game, and playing on the team.  When you become a partner, you join us in making a commitment to serving God at Element, and believe's way better scoring with the team than it is just watching the rest of the team do it all.

So, if this gets your interest, then here's all you have to do:
  • Contact Mike Yusko and tell him you want more info about becoming a Partner with us.
  • Watch the online classes (Mike will give you the link - they talk about everything our church believes, why we do the things we do as a church, etc.)
  • Let Mike know when you've finished, and we will be receiving new Element Partners on Sunday, November 21st. 

I really hope you'll do it!  As an added incentive, anyone who completes the process before 2011 will be listed on the official Element Church Charter Partner List, which will be listed as the originating Partners of Element Church.  So do it...MAKE HISTORY with us!

See you tomorrow at Element Church!
- Pastor Rich

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